
Archive for the ‘Miscellaneous’ Category


January 26, 2011 2 comments

“Let the world know you as you are, not as you think you should be, because sooner or later, if you are posing, you will forget the pose, and then where are you?” — Fanny Brice

I have always felt that I catch flack for being who I am, for knowing, mostly, who I am, what I am and am not, knowing what I want and for finally learning to voice my own ideas, thoughts, opinions and feelings.

I can only be me.

If this isn’t good enough for others, then so be it.

I think of how you take a picture and try to capture in one moment all of the beauty that makes the object of the picture what it is.  The flower in the picture below doesn’t have to try to be beautiful, to mean anything, to adjust to other’s imposed views of what it should be.  It just is and we accept it as it is and see it for all it’s flaws and unique beauty….. and still it captures us.


Categories: Miscellaneous, Philosophy

Crash Course in Giving

December 2, 2010 3 comments

thank you gift

It shouldn’t be on just the holidays. It shouldn’t matter who, how or when. Everyone should take a crash course in this,…..GIVING.


#1. STOP thinking only about your needs
#2. STOP thinking period and just DO
#3. WATCH out for smiles, new friends and expressions of love,…they will be contagious
#4. REPEAT (often)

Categories: Miscellaneous

just a quote of poetry…

August 24, 2010 1 comment

Namelessneed has written a poem on his blog:

Slighter A Wind Than

“Despite  &,

With all her antics,

Winds still  move her

Like it does a half-dozen

Tiny tea roses

Before they’re right,  & hand-picked.

The slightest wind breezes

Will prove to move her

To a profound,  but protected


Slighter a wind than

Unkind words might make

Wafting  at  her soft skin.”

My comment to him today:

So lovely,…I feel like that right now. Vulnerable…I saw the man I am in love with from afar , filled with bright feelings as I looked at him in passing, ( I don’t think I have ever wanted a man more, actually) with afar conversations on chit chat things and he hasn’t even seen me in a very long while or maybe doesn’t care to now with all he is involved with or,…really I should say, I don’t know if that is true, I guess at it, but truth is ….the actual truth is I sat and thought about it, and I gave in…one more time to my feelings and I didn’t even care if I was going to be damned for it and “slipped a note under the door”…telling him I was sorry for his hard day and how beautiful I thought he was. I didn’t know if I would ever even hear back from him, hell, it was all I could do to hope he read it and the words meant something to him and he had not just grown tired of all my antics to reach him. But I felt/feel vulnerable….showing my true feelings for someone who could possibly blow me away with the wind.. with unsaid words, which can be just as slighting…. The poem above harnesses that great fragile feeling inside.

The full moon is high…

Feel the kiss………

” a kiss makes the heart young again and wipes away the years ” ~ Rupert Brooke

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A thought….

“Love is the ultimate outlaw. It just won’t adhere to any
rules. The most any of us can do is sign on as its accomplice.
Instead of vowing to honor and obey, maybe we should swear to
aid and abet.”

— Tom Robbins

Categories: Miscellaneous

Sadly Beautiful

There is a song that gets to me every time I hear it.
Its melody is so haunting.

 To want and to love someone, when the world around you flies the onlooking planes overhead, to try and shoot down every glance and every chance….

When the walls of life’s circumstanes  hold you back from what you can have….. And all you seem to have to fight against it are Letters falling from the sky…like the tears of missing them can spill down from the eyes.
CIVIL TWILIGHT….”Letters from the Sky”

Lyrics:One of these days the sky’s gonna break
And everything will escape, and I’ll know
One of these days the mountains are gonna fall
Into the sea, and they’ll know

That you and I were made for this
I was made to taste your kiss
We were made to never fall away
Never fall away

One of these days letters are gonna fall
From the sky telling us all to go free
But until that day I’ll find a way to let everybody know
That you’re coming back, you’re coming back for me

‘Cause even though you left me here
I have nothing left to fear
These are only walls that hold me here
Hold me here, hold me here

One day soon I’ll hold you like the sun holds the moon
And we will hear those planes overhead
And we won’t have to be scared
We won’t have to be, we won’t have to be scared

You’re coming back for me
You’re coming back for me

You’re coming back to me


There are so many, many times I have held my tongue. However, knowing me, when the push to say something is SO strong,…I let it out.

So, this what happened today.

We all have our moments of being fed up. And maybe I was actually glad that straw landed on the camel’s back and the happiness butterfly was yet aloft.

In public, in front of many other students and professor, I stood up in loud, voiced opinion of other fellow students and the lack of responsibility and respect they show to those around them and themselves.

It really embarrasses me for those who behave in such a manner.

Students who come to class very late, talking on the cells, texting during class and laughing at the texts and not paying attention. They cannot answer any questions asked of them. They disrupt class with talking or stupid comments that have nothing to do with anything remotely related to the material. They have rude dispositions and basically could care less to be there. Some even sleep the entire class. They hardly or never study and fail in their work continuously.

The other fact is knowing that the teachers are promised in their job to say very little and do everything they can to keep the student from dropping the class, save from just giving them the “A” or passing grade, without merit.

It is ridiculous! It is ludicrous!

I just could not take it any longer.

Class time was having to be wasted in each class on asking students where their books were and why were their cell phones not turned off and why were they on Myspace and Facebook instead of taking notes.

I raised my hand and said, ” Excuse me” to the professor.

I then proceeded to put a point of reason out on the table for all.

Why can the teachers not just inform the students of how much they truly want them to stay in the class for their own benefit and say that they are willing to do as much as they can ( and actually do that ) to see to it , that if the student needs help, they get it? Then,…..THEN, in the next breath say to the students who cause this issue, “As much as that is true, if you truly do not give a care about taking this class or want my help and cannot show the responsibility required to pass the course, or the respect of yourself and your teacher and fellow students, WHY ARE YOU HERE? Why are you here wasting my time, your time, everybody else’s time and your money?”

“If you could really care less about your education, your future or your money, what is the point of you taking up the space of someone else who maybe actually wanted to take this class  and couldn’t because the seat was filled by you?!”

Oh, how this needs to be said to the whole school.

And, what about the professors?

These are people who have dedicated their lives to teach, in hopes of doing a greater good and at least reaching the few who care. Yet, the attitudes of the professors start to change to adapt to the students continuously filling up the rooms with their “I don’t care attitudes”.  This then causes the students to respond to their teachers negatively and the whole thing just keeps perpetuating negative experiences.

Something must be done to confront the situation.


It has to change.

Categories: Miscellaneous

The kiss…

“A kiss is a lovely trick, designed by nature, to stop words when speech becomes superfluous.”
–Ingrid Bergmen

In regard to love, the kiss is sometimes everything. There is that moment when the force of longing and desire meet with unspoken words of the heart in gratification.

”Love distills desire upon the eyes, love brings bewitching grace into the heart.” –Euripides
“Where is love and all its glory tonight and all the tomorrows after?”~ Anonymous

Categories: Miscellaneous

Little do we know…

“A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five.”~ Groucho Marx

Have you ever tried so hard to understand something and someone much more inexperienced, in your eyes, comes along and whacks you in the face with the clear picture?
There are areas in life when we try so hard to obtain the meaning of things and then after the fact find that the answers were so very simple.
Then there are those who are of a mind to think they know it all, only to be proven otherwise.
When we realize that the more we learn the less we know, we have reached a pivotal point.
The vast expanse of life lessons and information in just book knowledge alone, we could never accumulate as learned space within our very own brains, within our own lifetime.
Take a trip to the nearest Barnes and Noble and really look around at the many different kinds of books there are and audio and video. Think how much information is supplied in just that one store and a how much more is out there.
Should you ever pass up a chance to do something new, to learn something different? Why?

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